Rapid Absorption -

Our Proprietary Nano-emulsion Technology with CBD

Molecular Size Comparison​

Our innovative proprietary technology embeds uniform nano-sized nutrients within stable ultra-purified micro-clusters of water. The result? The most advanced cellular hydration and bioavailable nutrition possible.




the degree and rate at which a substance (such as CBD) is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity.

Molecular Size Comparison​

Nano-Emulsified CBD = High Bioavailability

The lÍfapure emulsification technology’s ability to create true and uniform nano-sized particles is what sets us apart from others. What this essentially means is 2-fold.

1: You can use less of our product and achieve the same benefits as most of our competitors.

2: Water and oil don’t mix. Unlike standard CBD oil which can take an hour and a half to digest, our water-soluble CBD remains in an aqueous state. About 60% of our body is comprised of water. Since our CBD is water soluble, there is a substantial increase in the rate of absorption within minutes of intake.

Liposomal (oil) CBD = Low Bioavailability

The word liposome originates from two Greek words:

  • Lipos, means fat
  • Soma, means body

A liposome is a body of fat that surrounds or is attached to another molecule (a vitamin, pharmaceutical or, in this case, CBD) at the molecular level. Scientists and doctors recognize liposomes as a potent means of delivering nutrients.1

These microscopic fat pockets surround the nutrients or medicine they intend to deliver. The body is much more capable of absorbing the nutrients present in a liposome than when those nutrients that are consumed in other oral supplements.​

What are the differences to you?

Greater absorption means you can use less, making your CBD last longer

When purchasing nano-emulsified CBD, you get more value because your body will utilize more of the CBD. When using liposomal CBD, your body does not end up using as much CBD as when it is in nano-emulsified form. Taking 5 mg of liposomal CBD is not the same as taking 5 mg of nano-emulsified CBD. Thus, you’ll take more liposomal CBD to get the effects of nano-emulsified CBD.

Value for your money

Authentic CBD is not cheap. If you are the kind of person who likes to make every dollar count, then nanoemulsion CBD is what you want. Make the most out of every drop.

Faster effects

Nano-emulsified CBD absorbs into the body very rapidly, which means the CBD starts working quicker. Studies show within minutes, while standard CBD Oil (liposomal) can take from 60 to 90 minutes to start working.


Since nano-emulsions are so water-compatible, they blend easily into food and beverages.

Consistency is key! even dose with every serving

Your CBD oil should be stable and even throughout. lÍfapure’s nano-emulsified CBD stays in solution evenly, while Liposomal CBD may produce an uneven mixture resulting in some doses having more CBD than others. This can be ineffective for you if you want to take a consistent amount of CBD daily.


As we have shown, nano-emulsified CBD gets absorbed very quickly and with high rates of bioavailability. The quality of CBD is equally important and you want to make sure that your CBD comes from organically grown hemp, with no toxins, heavy metals or pesticides in the final product. Third-party lab tests can confirm that our CBD is clean and accurate in strength.

Conclusion: Limposomal CBD oil vs. Nano-emulsified CBD

While Liposomes are a better alternative than standard CBD, they are not as effective as nano-emulsified CBD.  Nano-emulsified CBD offers even greater absorption. In order to find out if a product is liposomal or nano-emulsified, check the label.